subota, 8. studenoga 2008.

Basics ... [ 2. part ]


My opinion is that without personal website with good thematics you'll have hard time earning money on the Internet.
A personal website includes:
  • quality offer
  • good-looking,unique design
  • at least 500-1000 visitors a day
So that is what you need if you need nice profit on the Internet.
Website hosting and domains are very cheap today and that shouldn't be a problem for anybody.


Say that your website has 100 visitors a day,which is 35000 - 40000 visitors a year,then,let's say that some of them buy your product/'whatever your offer is' for 20 dollars = that's annual profit of 12567-17800 dollars.

(As the
analysis say 2-3 % of visitors use/buy your services/products.)

That's not bad profit if you ask me !

To conclude,building a profitable website is long proces that requires hard work.

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